With the increasing complexity of information systems, it is becoming increasingly unclear as to how information system behaviors relate to stated requirements. Although requireme...
The society in which we live today is increasingly a knowledge society. Organizations are turning more and more to knowledge creation and management for the development of their c...
The question of why individuals adopt a particular information system is an important issue in IS research. While extensive prior research has established that the Technology Acce...
This paper describes a framework for collaboration between a user and a multi-agent system to achieve adjustable autonomy. Adjustable autonomy (AA) is when the levels of autonomy ...
A paradox appears to thwart traditional knowledge sharing efforts in organizations: the greater the benefit of a piece of knowledge to an organization the less likely that it will...
Today, many knowledge-based technology applications form a business ecosystem: a set of complex products and services made by multiple firms in which no firm is dominant. For this...
The Pediatric Pain Mailing List (PPML) is an international Internet-based forum for informal discussion of any topic related to pain in children. There are now over seven hundred ...
Qiufen Qi, Qigang Gao, Michael A. Shepherd, G. All...
In this study, we suggest an enterprise architecture (EA) development process model suitable for EA projects limited in scope and time. Several EA process models have been put for...
In this paper the control possibilities of an Election Commission in an Electronic Voting process are described and technical solutions are presented. Decisions in the committee n...
Alexander Prosser, Robert Krimmer, Robert Kofler, ...