
129views more  JCB 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
GenRate: A Generative Model that Reveals Novel Transcripts in Genome-Tiling Microarray Data
Genome-wide microarray designs containing millions to hundreds of millions of probes are available for a variety of mammals, including mouse and human. These genome tiling arrays ...
Brendan J. Frey, Quaid Morris, Timothy R. Hughes
117views more  BMCBI 2008»
14 years 17 days ago
New resampling method for evaluating stability of clusters
Background: Hierarchical clustering is a widely applied tool in the analysis of microarray gene expression data. The assessment of cluster stability is a major challenge in cluste...
Irina Gana Dresen, Tanja Boes, Johannes Hüsin...
14 years 1 months ago
An Iterative Improvement Procedure for Hierarchical Clustering
We describe a procedure which finds a hierarchical clustering by hillclimbing. The cost function we use is a hierarchical extension of the  -means cost; our local moves are tree...
David Kauchak, Sanjoy Dasgupta
233views Bioinformatics» more  WOB 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Recent Advances in Gene Expression Data Clustering: A Case Study with Comparative Results
Several advanced techniques have been proposed for data clustering and many of them have been applied to gene expression data, with partial success. The high dimensionality and the...
George Barreto Bezerra, Geraldo M. A. Cança...
14 years 1 months ago
A Lattice-Based Approach to Hierarchical Clustering
The paper presents an approach to hierarchical clustering based on the use of a least general generalization (lgg) operator to induce a lattice structure of clusters and a categor...
Zdravko Markov
14 years 1 months ago
Bayesian Agglomerative Clustering with Coalescents
We introduce a new Bayesian model for hierarchical clustering based on a prior over trees called Kingman’s coalescent. We develop novel greedy and sequential Monte Carlo inferen...
Yee Whye Teh, Hal Daumé III, Daniel M. Roy
169views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
14 years 1 months ago
Clustering the Feature Space
Abstract Dino Ienco and Rosa Meo Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit`a di Torino, Italy In this paper we propose and test the use of hierarchical clustering for feature selectio...
Dino Ienco, Rosa Meo
136views Data Mining» more  SDM 2008»
14 years 1 months ago
Exploration and Reduction of the Feature Space by Hierarchical Clustering
In this paper we propose and test the use of hierarchical clustering for feature selection. The clustering method is Ward's with a distance measure based on GoodmanKruskal ta...
Dino Ienco, Rosa Meo
14 years 2 months ago
Multilingual Evidence Improves Clustering-based Taxonomy Extraction
We present a system for taxonomy extraction, aimed at providing a taxonomic backbone in an ontology learning environment. We follow previous research in using hierarchical clusteri...
Hans Hjelm, Paul Buitelaar
14 years 3 months ago
Clustering the Normalized Compression Distance for Influenza Virus Data
The present paper analyzes the usefulness of the normalized compression distance for the problem to cluster the hemagglutinin (HA) sequences of influenza virus data for the HA gene...
Kimihito Ito, Thomas Zeugmann, Yu Zhu