We consider the problem of reconciling a dependently typed functional language with imperative features such as mutable higher-order state, pointer aliasing, and non-termination. ...
Aleksandar Nanevski, J. Gregory Morrisett, Lars Bi...
We present a denotational model of impredicative Hoare Type Theory, a very expressive dependent type theory in which one can and reason about mutable abstract data types. The model...
Rasmus Lerchedahl Petersen, Lars Birkedal, Aleksan...
We propose a dependent type theory that integrates programming, specifications, and reasoning about higher-order concurrent programs with shared transactional memory. The design ...
Aleksandar Nanevski, Paul Govereau, Greg Morrisett
In previous work, we proposed a Hoare Type Theory (HTT) which combines effectful higher-order functions, dependent types and Hoare Logic specifications into a unified framework. H...
Aleksandar Nanevski, Greg Morrisett, Lars Birkedal
We describe an axiomatic extension to the Coq proof assistant, that supports writing, reasoning about, and extracting higher-order, dependently-typed programs with side-effects. C...
Aleksandar Nanevski, Greg Morrisett, Avraham Shinn...