
104views more  JOTA 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Structure and Weak Sharp Minimum of the Pareto Solution Set for Piecewise Linear Multiobjective Optimization
Abstract. In this paper the Pareto solution set of a piecewise linear multiobjective optimization problem in a normed space is shown to be a union of finitely many semiclosed polyh...
X. Q. Yang, N. D. Yen
139views more  TOMACS 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
The double CFTP method
We consider the problem of the exact simulation of random variables Z that satisfy the distributional identity Z L = V Y + (1 − V )Z, where V ∈ [0, 1] and Y are independent, an...
Luc Devroye, Lancelot F. James
14 years 2 months ago
Quadtree, ray shooting and approximate minimum weight Steiner triangulation
We present a quadtree-based decomposition of the interior of a polygon with holes. The complete decomposition yields a constant factor approximation of the minimum weight Steiner ...
Siu-Wing Cheng, Kam-Hing Lee
117views more  EAAI 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Design and implementation of NN5 for Hong Kong stock price forecasting
A number of published techniques have emerged in the trading community for stock prediction tasks. Among them is neural network (NN). In this paper, the theoretical background of ...
Philip M. Tsang, Paul Kwok, Steven O. Choy, Reggie...
106views more  IJCPOL 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Court Stenography-to-Text ("stt") in Hong Kong: a Jurilinguistic Engineering Effort
Implementation of legal bilingualism in Hong Kong after 1997 has necessitated the production of voluminous and extensive court proceedings and judgments in both Chinese and Englis...
Benjamin K. Tsou, Tom B. Y. Lai, K. K. Sin, Lawren...
152views more  IIE 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
ICT in Education in Finland and Hong Kong. An Overview of the Present State of the Educational System at Various Levels
This article gives a general framework for the understanding of the use of ICT in primary, secondary (vocational education excluded) and tertiary education in both Finland and Hong...
Päivi Atjonen, Siu Cheung Li
14 years 4 months ago
Modeling and Simulation of Public Housing Construction in Hong Kong
Hong Kong possesses one of the world's largest public housing stocks which provide accommodation for 3.1 million people. To meet the growing need for public housing, the gove...
Jonathan Jinsheng Shi, S. X. Zeng, C. M. Tam
14 years 4 months ago
Nurse Rostering at the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong
This paper describes the Rostering Engine (RE) that we have developed for the Hospital Authority (HA), Hong Kong as part of their Staff Rostering System (SRS) using AI constraint-...
Andy Hon Wai Chun, Steve Ho Chuen Chan, Garbbie Pu...
14 years 7 months ago
The Telephone Directory Enquiry System of Hong Kong
This paper is concerned with the design and performance of the telephone directory enquiry system newly adopted in Hong Kong. This system maintains three million telephone records...
K. P. Chow, Tak Wah Tak Wah, Ka Hing Lee
264views ECommerce» more  ACMICEC 2003»
14 years 8 months ago
Analysis of mobile commerce market in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of the cities with the highest penetration rate of mobile devices in the world. There is the potential for Hong Kong to be a leader of mobile commerce. Recently, ...
Chi-Hong Leung, Yuen-Yan Chan, Candy Suk Ching Cha...