Several operating systems projects revolve around moving functionality above or below the kernel "red line" to increase flexibility or performance. We describe how a gen...
Most modern I/O systems treat each file access independently. However, events in a computer system are driven by programs. Thus, accesses to files occur in consistent patterns and...
The file is a well-understood and very simple abstraction, which has been successfully used in both centralized and distributed systems. However, files are not expressive enough t...
Software-based protection has become a viable alternative to hardware-based protection in systems based on languages such as Java, but the absence of hardware mechanisms for prote...
Faster networks and cheaper storage have brought us to a point where I/O caching servers have an important role in the design of scalable, high-performance file systems. These int...
We present a mechanism for inter-process communication (IPC) redirection that enables efficient and flexible access control for micro-kernel systems. In such systems, services are...
Trent Jaeger, Kevin Elphinstone, Jochen Liedtke, V...
This paper considers the problem of scheduling Real Time applications on a general-purpose Operating System. The approach taken is to modify a mainstream system, in order to reali...
In this position paper we motivate and describe the Congestion Manager (CM), a novel end-system architecture, which enables application adaptation to network congestion. The CM ma...
Hariharan Shankar Rahul, Hari Balakrishnan, Sriniv...