We developed a platform independent, three-tier system, called WebFlow. The visual authoring tools implemented in the front end integrated with the middle tier network of servers ...
hima and I. Fujishiro, "Measuring volumetric coherence," In ACM SIGGRAPH98 Conference Abstracts and Applications, p.260, July 1998. 1999 K.Garatani, H.Nakamura, H.Okuda a...
Abstract. A metacomputing environment is a collection of geographically distributed resources (people, computers, devices, databases) connected by one or more high-speed networks, ...
Adam Ferrari, Frederick Knabe, Marty Humphrey, Ste...
Finding knowledge from vast quantities of data is a difficult task, made simpler by visually representing this information. The Internet can be considered a vast (global) database,...
We motivate and define the XSIL language as a flexible, hierarchical, extensible transport language for scientific data objects. The entire object may be represented in the file, o...
Kent Blackburn, Albert Lazzarini, Thomas A. Prince...
The growing need of software infrastructure able to create, maintain and ease the evolution of scientific data, promotes the development of digital libraries in order to provide th...