Very large scale computations are now becoming routinely used as a methodology to undertake scientific research. In this context, ‘provenance systems’ are regarded as the equ...
Paul T. Groth, Simon Miles, Weijian Fang, Sylvia C...
Virtual machine distributed computing greatly simplifies the use of widespread computing resources by lowering the abstraction, benefiting both resource providers and users. Tow...
Ananth I. Sundararaj, Ashish Gupta, Peter A. Dinda
Parallel file subsystems in today’s high-performance computers adopt many I/O optimization strategies that were designed for distributed systems. These strategies, for instance...
Wei-keng Liao, Kenin Coloma, Alok N. Choudhary, Le...
Mega grids span several continents and may consist of millions of nodes and billions of tasks executing at any point in time. This setup calls for scalable and highly available re...
Biomolecular simulations produce more output data than can be managed effectively by traditional computing systems. Researchers need distributed systems that allow the pooling of...
Justin M. Wozniak, Paul Brenner, Douglas Thain, Aa...
This paper describes the design and implementation of SWORD, a scalable resource discovery service for widearea distributed systems. In contrast to previous systems, SWORD allows ...
David L. Oppenheimer, Jeannie R. Albrecht, David A...
Firewalls and network address translators (NATs) cause significant connectivity problems along with benefits such as network protection and easy address planning. Connectivity pro...
Information dissemination is a fundamental and frequently occuring problem in large, dynamic, distributed systems. We propose a novel approach to this problem, interest-aware info...
This paper examines how computation can be mapped across the nodes of a distributed search system to effectively utilize available resources. We specifically address computationa...
Larry Huston, Alex Nizhner, Padmanabhan Pillai, Ra...