In a supertagging task, sequence labeling models are commonly used. But their limited ability to model long-distance information presents a bottleneck to make further improvements...
This paper introduces deep syntactic structures to syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). We use a Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) parser to obtain the de...
The graphical software Morph Moulder (MoMo) presented here was originally created for teaching the logical foundations of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) in an e-Learn...
I describe a very simple HPSG analysis for partial verb phrase fronting. I will argue that the presented account is more adequate than others made during the past years because it...
As HPSG is head-driven, with clear semantic heads, semantic head-driven generation should be simple. We adapt van Noord's Prolog generator for use with an HPSG grammar in Pro...