We are investigating how to empower nonprofit community organizations to develop the information technology management practices required to carry out their civic goals. We highli...
Cecelia Merkel, Umer Farooq, Lu Xiao, Craig H. Gan...
poster we present several methods for abstracting data into information and then integrating and organizing it for the purpose of display. We use an example from analysis of pilot...
Network-centricity is a concept under consideration as a useful paradigm for complex organizational operations, combining the strengths of bureaucracy with the innovative possibil...
This paper presents an innovative approach to solve the problem of missing transparency of competencies within virtual organizations. We based our work on empirical studies to cop...
In this paper we present our approach of using gamelike techniques for designing wearable computing solutions for the Paris Fire Brigade, consisting of namely a board game and a v...
This paper describes the coming-of-age of an analytical application that was built using agile development processes, tightly interlinked with an iterative user experience methodo...
This paper reports a longitudinal study of a non-speech input-controlled continuous cursor control system: Whistling User Interface (U3I). This study combines quantitative (target...
Adam J. Sporka, Sri Hastuti Kurniawan, Murni Mahmu...
In this paper we describe the design experience gathered from creating an interactive exhibit about medieval music. This system was designed as an educational exhibit that relies ...