Symbol Technologies has completed a unique accomplishment; it has created a commercially successful Wearable Computer. The success of this product is directly due to a structured ...
Robert Stein, Stephen Ferrero, Margaret Hetfield, ...
Small, body-mounted video cameras enable a different style of wearable computing interface. As processing power increases, awearablecomputercanspendmoretimeobserving its user to p...
The use of speech and auditory interaction on wearable computers can provide an awareness of events and personal messages, without requiring one's full attention or disruptin...
Most existing augmented reality systems only provide a method for browsing information that is situated in the real world context. This paper describes a system that allows users ...
This paper describes a preliminary investigation of how the capabilities of wearable computers may be used to provide task guidance in mobile environments. Specifically, this stud...
system to date has served all of the needs of wearable computing--light weight, minimum effort, high power generation, convenient power delivery, and good power regulation. We beli...
John Kymissis, Clyde Kendall, Joseph A. Paradiso, ...
StartleCam is a wearable video camera, computer, and sensing system, which enables the camera to be controlled via both conscious and preconscious events involving the wearer. Tra...
Digital Technology is constantly improving as information becomes wireless. These advances demand more wearable and mobile form factors for products that access information. A pro...
Francine Gemperle, Chris Kasabach, John Stivoric, ...
Wearable computers provide constant access to computing and communications resources. In this paper we describe how the computing power of wearables can be used to provide spatial...
Mark Billinghurst, Jerry Bowskill, M. Jessop, Jaso...