Color is commonly used to represent categories and values in many computer applications, but differentiating these colors can be difficult in many situations (e.g., for users with...
This paper explores how homeless young people, aged 1325, make use of information systems in daily life. Observed in a community technology center, four different examples of uses...
Deictic reference – pointing at things during conversation – is ubiquitous in human communication, and should also be an important tool in distributed collaborative virtual en...
The ready availability of online source code examples has changed the cost structure of programming by example modification. However, current search tools are wholly separate from...
Joel Brandt, Mira Dontcheva, Marcos Weskamp, Scott...
People now routinely carry radio frequency identification (RFID) tags – in passports, driver’s licenses, credit cards, and other identifying cards – where nearby RFID reader...
Nicolai Marquardt, Alex S. Taylor, Nicolas Villar,...
Designers often use examples for inspiration; examples offer contextualized instances of how form and content integrate. Can interactive example galleries bring this practice to e...
Brian Lee, Savil Srivastava, Ranjitha Kumar, Ronen...
Painting on 3D surfaces is an important operation in computer graphics, virtual reality, and computer aided design. The painting styles in existing WYSIWYG systems can be awkward,...
When experts participate in collaborative systems, tension may arise between them and novice contributors. In particular, when experts perceive novices as a bother or a threat, th...