
13 years 18 days ago
Culture-related differences in aspects of behavior for virtual characters across Germany and Japan
Integrating culture as a parameter into the behavioral models of virtual characters to simulate cultural differences is becoming more and more popular. But do these differences ...
Birgit Endraß, Elisabeth André, Matth...
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13 years 7 months ago
Behavior-constrained support vector machines for fMRI data analysis
Statistical learning methods are emerging as a valuable tool for decoding information from neural imaging data. The noisy signal and the limited number of training patterns that ar...
Danmei Chen, Sheng Li, Zoe Kourtzi, Si Wu
13 years 10 months ago
Ecological optics of natural materials and light fields
The appearance of objects in scenes is determined by their shape, material properties and by the light field, and, in contradistinction, the appearance of those objects provides u...
Sylvia C. Pont
14 years 2 months ago
Human and Ideal Observers for Detecting Image Curves
This paper compares the ability of human observers to detect target image curves with that of an ideal observer. The target curves are sampled from a generative model which speciï...
Alan L. Yuille, Fang Fang, Paul R. Schrater, Danie...
15 years 2 months ago
Visual Correlates of Fixation Selection: A Look at the Spatial Frequency Domain
A representation for observing local image content is proposed for the purpose of considering the distinguishing characteristics of visual content that tends to draw a human obser...
Neil D. B. Bruce, Daniel P. Loach, John K. Tsotsos