We show that regarding finite automata (FA) as discrete, time-invariant linear systems over semimodules, allows to: (1) express FA minimization and FA determinization as particula...
Event-driven control systems provide interesting benefits such as reducing resource utilization. This paper formulates the optimal boundary and regulator design problem that minim...
Abstract. This paper introduces Periodically Controlled Hybrid Automata (PCHA) for describing a class of hybrid control systems. In a PCHA, control actions occur roughly periodical...
Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Sayan Mitra, Richard M. M...
Abstract. This paper addresses a parameter synthesis problem for nonlinear hybrid systems. Considering a set of uncertain parameters and a safety property, we give an algorithm tha...
This paper aims to simplify recent efforts proposed by the Berkeley school in giving a formal semantics to the Ptolemy toolbox. We achieve this by developing a simple and elegant ...
Paul Caspi, Albert Benveniste, Roberto Lublinerman...
Abstract. In this paper, we consider hybrid models of mechanical systems undergoing impacts — Lagrangian hybrid systems, and study their periodic orbits in the presence of Zeno b...