This paper extends the application of the Cantor metric as a mathematical tool for defining causalities from pure discrete models to mixed-signal and hybrid models. Using the Cant...
Abstract. An important class of soft real-time applications require dynamic allocation of computational resources in order to comply with their quality of service (QoS) requirement...
The algorithmic analysis of timed automata is fundamentally limited by the undecidability of the universality problem. For this reason and others, there has been considerable inter...
Abstract. Networked embedded systems are composed of a large number of components that interact with the physical world via a set of sensors and actuators, have their own computati...
Abstract. This paper describes the implementation of predicate abstraction techniques to automatically compute symbolic backward reachable sets of high dimensional piecewise affine...
Abstract. In this paper we investigate a new technique to determine whether an open continuous system behaves correctly for all admissible input signals. This technique is based on...
James Kapinski, Bruce H. Krogh, Oded Maler, Olaf S...
Abstract−Stabilization of uncertain hybrid systems with controllable transitions is considered. Uncertainty enters in the form of a disturbance input that can affect both the co...
Yan Gao, John Lygeros, Marc Quincampoix, Nicolas S...
Abstract. In this paper we show how hybrid control and modeling techniques can be put to work for solving a problem of industrial relevance in Surface Mount Technology (SMT) manufa...
Leandro G. Barajas, Ashish Kansal, Abhinav Saxena,...
We present a hybrid systems solution to the problem of trajectory tracking for a four-wheel steered four-wheel driven mobile robot. The robot is modelled as a non-holonomic dynamic...
s of Invited Presentations The Mathematics of Matter and the Mathematics of Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 David Berlinski A Grand Challenge: Full Reactive Modeling of a Multi-ce...