Fibonacci cube is a subgraph of hypercube induced on vertices without two consecutive 1's. If we remove from Fibonacci cube the vertices with 1 both in the first and the last...
We study the problem of monotonicity testing over the hypercube. As previously observed in several works, a positive answer to a natural question about routing properties of the hy...
Massively parallel distributed-memory architectures are receiving increasing attention to meet the increasing demand on processing power. Many topologies have been proposed for int...
Wepropose a schemefor producingLatin hypercube samples that can enhanceany of the existing sampling algorithms in Bayesiannetworks. Wetest this scheme in combinationwith the likel...
This paper presents a technique for approximating, up to any precision, the set of subgame-perfect equilibria (SPE) in repeated games with discounting. The process starts with a s...
Efficient hypercube algorithms are developed for the following image transformations: shrinking, expanding, translation, rotation, and scaling. A 2k −step shrinking and expandi...
One of the fundamental problems in distributed computing is how to efficiently perform routing in a faulty network in which each link fails with some probability. This paper inves...