We show that if a self-reducible set has polynomial-size circuits, then it is low for the probabilistic class ZPP(NP). As a consequence we get a deeper collapse of the polynomial-...
An infinite binary sequence x is defined to be (i) strongly useful if there is a computable time bound within which every decidable sequence is Turing reducible to x; and (ii) w...
We consider the problem of preprocessing an n-vertex digraph with real edge weights so that subsequent queries for the shortest path or distance between any two vertices can be ef...
We describe the rst parallel algorithm with optimal speedup for constructing minimum-width tree decompositions of graphs of bounded treewidth. On n-vertex input graphs, the algori...
The problem to determine whether a given k-colored graph is a subgraph of a properly colored interval graph has an application in DNA physical mapping. In this paper, we study the...