Discriminative reranking has been able to significantly improve parsing performance, and co-training has proven to be an effective weakly supervised learning algorithm to bootstr...
In previous work, we showed that using a lattice instead of the 1-best path to represent both the query and the utterance being searched is beneficial for spoken keyword spotting...
In modern automatic speech recognition systems, it is standard practice to cluster several logical hidden Markov model states into one physical, clustered state. Typically, the cl...
This paper investigates the automatic recognition of emotion from spoken words by vector space modeling vs. string kernels which have not been investigated in this respect, yet. A...
We address ranging energy optimization for an unsynchronized localization system, which features robust sensor positioning, in the sense that specific accuracy requirements are f...
Tao Wang, Geert Leus, Dries Neirynck, Feng Shu, Li...
Independent component analysis (ICA) is not only popular for blind source separation but also for unsupervised learning when the observations can be decomposed into some independe...
Occlusion is one of the major consequences of the physical image generation process: it occurs when an opaque object partly obscures the view of another object further away from t...
Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) is widely used for efficient retrieval of candidate matches in very large audio, video, and image systems. However, extremely large reference dat...
3D MRI of the upper airway has provided valuable insights into vocal tract shaping and data for the modeling of speech production. Small movements of articulators can lead to larg...
Yoon-Chul Kim, Shrikanth S. Narayanan, Krishna S. ...