Abstract. Next-generation Grids will require flexible and adaptive network infrastructures that would be able to provide the requisite quality of service for computational flows....
Techniques for generating data structures for isotropic vector matrix grids (or face-centered cubic lattices) are presented. Grid basics and some background mathematical foundation...
A simple method for animation of water waves is presented. The two-dimensional wave equation with damping is used to obtain a finite difference scheme for height distribution. A ...
Abstract. This article presents special quadrilateral quadratic refinement elements, which provide geometry and field continuity across Tjunctions where two elements are connecte...
We reconstruct pipe-shaped objects from a set of contours, each of which is extracted from an image representing a slice sampled from 3D volume data. The contours are formed by con...
Phylogenetic networks model evolutionary histories in the presence of non-treelike events such as hybrid speciation and horizontal gene transfer. In spite of their widely acknowled...
We are presenting a progress overview associated with our work on a data-driven environment for multiphysics applications (DDEMA). In this paper, we emphasize the dynamic-data-driv...
John Michopoulos, Charbel Farhat, Elias N. Houstis...