A new dynamic subdivision surface model is proposed for shape recovery from 3D data sets. The model inherits the attractive properties of the Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme and ...
This paper presents a new operator for corner detection. This operator uses a variant of the morphological closing operator, which we have called asymmetrical closing. It consists...
Representing shapes is a signi cant problem for vision systems that must recognize or classify objects. We derive a representation for a given shape by investigating its self-simi...
We propose a new approach to recover epipolar geometry from a pair of uncalibrated images. By minimizing a proposed cost function, our approach matches the detected feature points...
We describe a exible model for representing images of objects of a certain class, known a priori, such as faces, and introduce a new algorithm for matching it to a novel image and...
This paper presents a method for alignment of images acquired by sensors of di erent modalities (e.g., EO and IR). The paper has two main contributions: (i) It identi es an approp...
This paper gives a widely applicable technique for solving many of the parameter estimation problems encountered in geometric computer vision. A commonly used approach is to minim...