Local part-based human detectors are capable of handling partial occlusions efficiently and modeling shape articulations flexibly, while global shape template-based human detector...
Zhe Lin, Larry S. Davis, David S. Doermann, Daniel...
Configurations of dense locally parallel 3D curves occur in medical imaging, computer vision and graphics. Examples include white matter fibre tracts, textures, fur and hair. We d...
Tumor segmentation from MRI data is an important but time consuming task performed manually by medical experts. Automating this process is challenging due to the high diversity in...
Albert Murtha, Dana Cobzas, Mark Schmidt, Martin J...
We present an approach for illumination and affineinvariant point matching using ordinal features. Ordinal measures for matching only consider the order between pixels and not the...
We present an algorithm and the associated capture methodology to acquire and track the detailed 3D shape, bends, and wrinkles of deforming surfaces. Moving 3D data has been diffi...
We address the problem of registering a sequence of images in a moving dynamic texture video. This involves optimization with respect to camera motion, the average image, and the ...
We explore the problem of classifying images by the object categories they contain in the case of a large number of object categories. To this end we combine three ingredients: (i...