This paper aims to introduce the robustness against noise into the spectral clustering algorithm. First, we propose a warping model to map the data into a new space on the basis o...
This paper demonstrates how to reduce the hand labeling effort considerably by 3D information in an object detection task. In particular, we demonstrate how an efficient car detec...
Stefan Kluckner, Georg Pacher, Helmut Grabner, Hor...
In this paper, we present an interactive offline tracking system for generic color objects. The system achieves 60100 fps on a 320 ? 240 video. The user can therefore easily refin...
Video-based multiple target tracking (MTT) is a challenging task when similar targets are present in close vicinity. Because their visual observations are mixed and difficult to s...
In this work we develop appearance models for computing the similarity between image regions containing deformable objects of a given class in realtime. We introduce the concept o...
Gianfranco Doretto, Jens Rittscher, Peter H. Tu, T...
We propose a novel framework for consistent correspondence between arbitrary manifold meshes. Different from most existing methods, our approach directly maps the connectivity of ...
Shape analysis requires invariance under translation, scale and rotation. Translation and scale invariance can be realized by normalizing shape vectors with respect to their mean ...
This paper presents a novel human-computer interface for projector/camera-based applications that uses a deformable interaction surface. We discuss its design and implementation w...