To assure dependable onboard evolution, we have developed a methodology called guarded software upgrading (GSU). In this paper, we focus on a low-cost approach to error containmen...
Ann T. Tai, Kam S. Tso, Leon Alkalai, Savio N. Cha...
The increasing popularity and diversity of collaborative applications prompts a need for highly secure and reliable communication platforms for dynamic peer groups. Security mecha...
Jonathan Robert Stanton, Yair Amir, Damian Hasse, ...
This paper describes an architecture that provides support for quality of service (QoS) specification and enforcement in heterogeneous distributed computing systems. The Quartz Qo...
A mobile environment is weakly-connected, characterized by low communication bandwidth and poor connectivity. Conventional paradigm for sur ng mobile web documents is ine ective s...
Antonio Si, Hong Va Leong, Dennis McLeod, Stanley ...
Group communication, providing virtual synchrony semantics, is a powerful paradigm for building distributed applications. For applications that require a large number of groups, s...
Buffered coscheduling is a distributed scheduling methodology for time-sharing communicating processes in a distributed system, e.g., PC cluster. The principle mechanisms involved...
Several studies in network traffic characterization have concluded that network traffic is self-similar and therefore not readily amenable to statistical multiplexing in a distr...
Peerapol Tinnakornsrisuphap, Wu-chun Feng, Ian R. ...
Replication is an area of interest to both distributed systems and databases. The solutions developed from these two perspectives are conceptually similar but differ in many aspec...