We introduce a new domain-independent framework for formulating and efficiently evaluating similarity queries over historical data, where given a history as a sequence of timestam...
This paper explores an inherent tension in modeling and querying uncertain data: simple, intuitive representations of uncertain data capture many application requirements, but the...
Anish Das Sarma, Omar Benjelloun, Alon Y. Halevy, ...
Existing techniques to mine periodic patterns in time series data are focused on discovering full-cycle periodic patterns from an entire time series. However, many useful partial ...
A system that enables real time query processing on large spatial networks is demonstrated. The system provides functionality for processing a wide range of spatial queries such a...
Process?aware information systems have to be frequently adapted due to business process changes. One important challenge not adequately addressed so far concerns the evolution of ...
Stefanie Rinderle, Andreas Wombacher, Manfred Reic...
As XQuery nears standardization, more sophisticated XQuery applications are emerging, which often exploit the entire language and are applied to non-trivial XML sources. We propos...
Relational division, also known as small divide, is a derived operator of the relational algebra that realizes a many-to-one set containment test, where a set is represented as a ...