—“Big Data” in map-reduce (M-R) clusters is often fundamentally temporal in nature, as are many analytics tasks over such data. For instance, display advertising uses Behavio...
Badrish Chandramouli, Jonathan Goldstein, Songyun ...
Abstract—This paper proposes LARS, a location-aware recommender system that uses location-based ratings to produce recommendations. Traditional recommender systems do not conside...
Justin J. Levandoski, Mohamed Sarwat, Ahmed Eldawy...
Abstract—This paper presents the GeoFeed system; a locationaware news feed system that provides a new platform for its users to get spatially related message updates from either ...
—The importance of introducing distance constraints to data dependencies, such as differential dependencies (DDs) [28], has recently been recognized. The metric distance constrai...
—This paper investigates the problem of incremental detection of errors in distributed data. Given a distributed database D, a set Σ of conditional functional dependencies (CFDs...
— In this paper, we focus on efficient keyword query processing for XML data based on SLCA and ELCA semantics. We propose for each keyword a novel form of inverted list, which i...
Junfeng Zhou, Zhifeng Bao, Wei Wang, Tok Wang Ling...
—On a stream of two dimensional data items (x, y) where x is an item identifier, and y is a numerical attribute, a correlated aggregate query requires us to first apply a selec...
—Fuzzy/similarity joins have been widely studied in the research community and extensively used in real-world applications. This paper proposes and evaluates several algorithms f...
Foto N. Afrati, Anish Das Sarma, David Menestrina,...
—A facility for merging equivalent data streams can support multiple capabilities in a data stream management system (DSMS), such as query-plan switching and high availability. O...
Badrish Chandramouli, David Maier, Jonathan Goldst...
—As traditional and mission-critical relational database workloads migrate to the cloud in the form of Databaseas-a-Service (DaaS), there is an increasing motivation to provide p...
Willis Lang, Srinath Shankar, Jignesh M. Patel, Aj...