In the literature of data mining, many different algorithms for association rule mining have been proposed. However, there is relatively little study on how association rules can ...
We extend the problem of association rule mining – a key data mining problem – to systems in which the database is partitioned among a very large number of computers that are ...
We propose the combination of two recently introduced methods for the interactive visual data mining of large collections of data. Both, Hyperbolic Multi-Dimensional Scaling (HMDS...
Most rule learning systems posit hard decision boundaries for continuous attributes and point estimates of rule accuracy, with no measures of variance, which may seem arbitrary to ...
Lemuel R. Waitman, Douglas H. Fisher, Paul H. King
A web site is a semi structured collection of different kinds of data, whose motivation is show relevant information to visitor and by this way capture her/his attention. Understa...
In knowledge discovery applications, where new features are to be added, an acquisition policy can help select the features to be acquired based on their relevance and the cost of...
Sequential pattern mining has been studied extensively in data mining community. Most previous studies require the specification of a minimum support threshold to perform the min...
A data set can be clustered in many ways depending on the clustering algorithm employed, parameter settings used and other factors. Can multiple clusterings be combined so that th...
Alexander P. Topchy, Anil K. Jain, William F. Punc...