Shape clustering can significantly facilitate the automatic labeling of objects present in image collections. For example, it could outline the existing groups of pathological ce...
In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach for automatic single-organ segmentation in Computed Tomography (CT) data. The approach consists of three stages: first, a probability i...
Ruchaneewan Susomboon, Daniela Stan Raicu, Jacob D...
In this paper, we investigate the use of data mining, in particular the text classification and co-training techniques, to identify more relevant passages based on a small set of...
Xiangji Huang, Yan Rui Huang, Miao Wen, Aijun An, ...
We address the problem of capturing and tracking local correlations among time evolving time series. Our approach is based on comparing the local auto-covariance matrices (via the...
Sequence data are abundant in application areas such as computational biology, environmental sciences, and telecommunications. Many real-life sequences have a strong segmental str...
We describe a large-scale application of methods for finding plagiarism and self-plagiarism in research document collections. The methods are applied to a collection of 284,834 d...
Daria Sorokina, Johannes Gehrke, Simeon Warner, Pa...
Among the visual features of multimedia content, shape is of particular interest because humans can often recognize objects solely on the basis of shape. Over the past three decad...
High dimensionality remains a significant challenge for document clustering. Recent approaches used frequent itemsets and closed frequent itemsets to reduce dimensionality, and to...