The shift and reset operators, proposed by Danvy and Filinski, are powerful control primitives for capturing delimited continuations. Delimited continuation is a similar concept a...
We describe extensions to the Excel spreadsheet that integrate userdefined functions into the spreadsheet grid, rather than treating them as a "bolt-on". Our first objec...
Simon L. Peyton Jones, Alan F. Blackwell, Margaret...
We present the derivation of a space efficient parser combinator library: the constructed parsers do not keep unnecessary references to the input, produce online results and effic...
This paper presents a static type system for JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) code that enforces an access control mechanism similar to the one found, for example, in a JAVA implementat...
We propose a type system MLFthat generalizes ML with first-class polymorphism as in System F. Expressions may contain secondorder type annotations. Every typable expression admits...
Most programming languages adopt static binding, but for distributed programming an exclusive reliance on static binding is too restrictive: dynamic binding is required in various...
Gavin M. Bierman, Michael W. Hicks, Peter Sewell, ...
All classical -terms typable with disjunctive normal forms are shown to share a common computational behavior: they implement a local exception handling mechanism whose exact work...