
161views Optimization» more  ICGA 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
Is Aesthetics Computable?
In this note, the psychology of aesthetics is briefly discussed and the feasibility of a discrete computational aesthetics model for chess isjustified.
Azlan Iqbal
83views Optimization» more  ICGA 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
A Tool for the Direct Assessment of Poker Decisions
The element of luck permeates every aspect of the game of poker. Random stochastic outcomes introduce a large amount of noise that can make it very difficult to distinguish a good...
Darse Billings, Morgan Kan
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14 years 18 days ago
Computer Analysis of World Chess Champions
Who is the best chess player of all time? Chess players are often interested in this question that has never been answered authoritatively, because it requires comparison between c...
Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko
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14 years 18 days ago
Never-Ending Moves in Bao
Bao is a member of the large family of mancala games. It is generally considered to be the most complex mancala game with respect to the number of game rules (Townshend, 1986; De ...
Tom Kronenburg, H. H. L. M. Donkers, Alex J. de Vo...