Online target tracking requires to solve two problems: data association and online dynamic estimation. Usually, association effectiveness is based on prior information and observa...
Gait has received much attention from researchers in the vision field due to its utility in walker identification. One of the key issues in gait recognition is how to extract di...
In this paper we propose a new approach of the two-image alignment problem based on a functional representation of images. This allows us to derive a one-to-several correspondence,...
Jean-Philippe Tarel, Pierre Charbonnier, Sio-Song ...
The area of non-intrusive forensic analysis has found many applications in the area of digital imaging. One unexplored area is the identification of source coding in digital image...
Tracing of curvilinear structures is one of the fundamental tools in the quantitative analysis of biological images, for extracting information about structures such as blood vess...
Mehmet Emre Sargin, Alphan Altinok, Kenneth Rose, ...
Preserving historic recording on gramophone records is an important task because the traditional record play back system damages/wears out records eventually. We present an optica...
It has been recently discovered that a faithful representation for the shape of some simple distributions can be constructed using invariant statistics [1, 2]. In this paper, we c...
Interest point detectors are the starting point in image analysis for depth estimation using epipolar geometry and camera ego-motion estimation. With several detectors defined in ...
Sreenivas R. Sukumar, David L. Page, Hamparsum Boz...