We analyse the security of new hash functions whose compression function is explicitly defined as a sequence of multivariate equations. First we prove non-universality of certain ...
Query-response based protocols between a client and a server such as SSL, TLS, SSH are asymmetric in the sense that the querying client and the responding server play different ro...
Establishing interoperability is the first and foremost problem of secure interoperation in multi-domain environments. In this paper, we propose a framework to facilitate the esta...
We characterize the traceability properties of linear codes. It is well known that any code of length n and minimum distance d is a c-TA code if c2 < n/(n−d). In this paper, w...
Marcel Fernandez, Josep Cotrina Navau, Miguel Sori...
A simple method for constructing collisions for Shpilrain’s polynomial-based hash function from ICISC 2006 is presented. The attack relies on elementary linear algebra and can be...
This paper reports on an improvement of Matsui’s linear cryptanalysis that reduces the complexity of an attack with algorithm 2, by taking advantage of the Fast Fourier Transform...
In Ubiquitous Computing Environment (UCE), service provider wants to provide its service to only legitimate users. Some users who belong to same service provider do not want to rev...
The starting point for collision attacks on practical hash functions is a local collision. In this paper, we make a systematic study of local collisions for the SHA-2 family. The p...
Pairing based cryptography is a new public key cryptographic scheme. An elliptic curve suitable for pairing based cryptography is called a “pairing-friendly” elliptic curve. Af...
We present a collision attack on the hash function HAS-160 reduced to 53-steps. The attack has a complexity of about 235 hash computations. The attack is based on the work of Cho e...