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Abstract. The Event Calculus is a narrative based formalism for reasoning about actions and change originally proposed in logic programming form by Kowalski and Sergot. In this pap...
The semantics of constraint logic programming languages with coroutining facilities (\freeze," suspension, residuation, etc.) cannot be fully declarative; thus, an operationa...
Incorporating the possibility of attaching attributes to variables in a logic programming system has been shown to allow the addition of general constraint solving capabilities to...
Manuel V. Hermenegildo, Daniel Cabeza Gras, Manuel...
We present the wamcc system, a Prolog compiler that translates Prolog to C via the WAM. This approach has some interesting consequences: simplicity, efficiency, portability, exten...
In this paper, we describe a system, called TheoryBase, whose goal is to facilitate experimental studies of nonmonotonic reasoning systems. TheoryBase generates test default theor...
Pawel Cholewinski, V. Wiktor Marek, Artur Mikitiuk...
Equational theories underly many elds of computing, including functional programming, symbolic algebra, theorem proving, term rewriting and constraint solving. In this paper we sh...
Mantis H. M. Cheng, Douglas Stott Parker Jr., Maar...
The purpose of this paper is to study the problem of complete type inferencing for polymorphic order-sorted logic programs. We show that previous approaches are incomplete even if...