Content-based image retrievalsystems use low-levelfeatures like color and texturefor image representation. Given these representationsasfeature vectors, similarity between images ...
Selim Aksoy, Robert M. Haralick, Faouzi Alaya Chei...
Multi-valued neurons are the neural processing elements with complex-valued weights, huge functionality (it is possible to implement on the single neuron arbitrary mapping describ...
Igor N. Aizenberg, Naum N. Aizenberg, Constantine ...
Tree structured belief networks are attractive for image segmentation tasks. However, networks with fixed architectures are not very suitable as they lead to blocky arte
Nicholas J. Adams, Amos J. Storkey, Christopher K....
Vision is an important sensor used for mobile robot navigation. One approach to localization which is based on vision is to compute camera egomotion with respect to base images. W...
Despite advances in the archiving of digital video, we are still unable to efficiently search and retrieve the portions that interest us. Video indexing by shot segmentation has b...
Sameer Antani, David J. Crandall, Rangachar Kastur...