We define a cluster to be characterized by regions of high density separated by regions that are sparse. By observing the downward closure property of density, the search for inte...
Alexei D. Miasnikov, Jayson E. Rome, Robert M. Har...
The main goal of this paper is to show that pattern recognition techniques can be successfully used in abstract algebra. We introduce a pattern recognition system to recognize wor...
This paper details the results of a Face Authentication Test (FAT2004) [2] held in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. The contest was held ...
Kieron Messer, Josef Kittler, Mohammad Sadeghi, Mi...
The problem of dense matching in wide baseline stereo is considered. It is assumed that the scene is formed by piecewise-smooth, Lambertian, textured surfaces and that rectified i...
MAP estimation of Gaussian mixtures through maximisation of penalised likelihoods was used to learn models of spatial context. This enabled prior beliefs about the scale, orientat...
1 We present a high speed machine vision system for the inspection and quality assurance of canned tuna, which is currently working at a rate over 1000 cans per minute. The system ...
We study the domain of dominant competence of six popular classifiers in a space of data complexity measurements. We observe that the simplest classifiers, nearest neighbor and li...
This paper describes an online learning method of color transformation for interactive object recognition. In order to recognize objects under various lighting conditions, the sys...