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: Mobile Ad hoc Networks are characterized by multi-hop wireless links, without any infrastructure, and frequent host mobility. A plethora of routing protocols has been proposed. A...
Anand Prabhu Subramanian, A. J. Anto, Janani Vasud...
Most of all software systems have to be changed after their initial deployment. This is not only because of changing knowledge and expectations about our domains and systems, but a...
Robert Hirschfeld, Katsuya Kawamura, Hendrik Bernd...
Wireless network research still lacks methods to integratively evaluate the performance that can be expected from application layer protocols. The user behavior is predominantly a�...
Tobias Breyer, Michael Klein, Philipp Obreiter, Bi...
Abstract— An ad hoc wireless network is an autonomous selforganizing system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links where nodes not in direct range communicate via intermedia...
Abstract. This papers presents new Global Positioning System (GPS)based route discovery algorithms for on-demand routing in MANETs, called Position-based Selective Flooding (PSF). ...