
109views Management» more  IFIPTM 2009»
14 years 25 days ago
Elimination of Subjectivity from Trust Recommendation
In many distributed applications, a party who wishes to make a transaction requires that it has a certain level of trust in the other party. It is frequently the case that the part...
Omar Hasan, Lionel Brunie, Jean-Marc Pierson, Elis...
149views Management» more  IFIPTM 2009»
14 years 25 days ago
An Experimental Testbed for Evaluation of Trust and Reputation Systems
Abstract. To date, trust and reputation systems have often been evaluated using methods of their designers' own devising. Recently, we demonstrated that a number of noteworthy...
Reid Kerr, Robin Cohen
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14 years 25 days ago
A Risk Based Approach to Limit the Effects of Covert Channels for Internet Sensor Data Aggregators for Sensor Privacy
Effective defense against Internet threats requires data on global real time network status. Internet sensor networks provide such real time network data. However, an organization...
Camilo H. Viecco, L. Jean Camp
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14 years 25 days ago
Trust-Enhanced Recommender Systems for Efficient On-Line Collaboration
Trust has been explored by many researchers in the past as a solution for assisting the process of recommendation production. In this work we are examining the feasibility of build...
Georgios Pitsilis
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14 years 25 days ago
Detection and Prevention of Insider Threats in Database Driven Web Services
In this paper, we take the first step to address the gap between the security needs in outsourced hosting services and the protection provided in the current practice. We consider ...
Tzvi Chumash, Danfeng Yao
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14 years 25 days ago
TrustBuilder2: A Reconfigurable Framework for Trust Negotiation
To date, research in trust negotiation has focused mainly on the theoretical aspects of the trust negotiation process, and the development of proof of concept implementations. Thes...
Adam J. Lee, Marianne Winslett, Kenneth J. Perano
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14 years 25 days ago
TIUPAM: A Framework for Trustworthiness-Centric Information Sharing
Abstract. Information is essential to decision making. Nowadays, decision makers are often overwhelmed with large volumes of information, some of which may be inaccurate, incorrect...
Shouhuai Xu, Ravi S. Sandhu, Elisa Bertino