The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of the US and Canada is characterized by thousands of shallow, water-filled depressions with sizes ranging from a fraction of a hectare to several...
The paper presents a general framework for change detection in radar images, for an operational purpose and in the context of environmental monitoring. This framework is based on ...
This paper presents experiments with the ORFEO ToolBox (OTB) developed by the CNES in the context of the Brussels project ARMURS about map updating. Depending on the availability ...
Christophe Simler, Charles Beumier, Christine Leig...
We examine the analysis of hyperspectral data produced by the Hyperspectral Core Imager of AngloGold Ashanti. The dimension of the data is reduced using diffusion maps and the dat...
The vicarious cold and warm calibration methods of Ruf, and Brown and Ruf, have been used to assess the calibration of the WindSat radiometer as well as the biases of the TMI, SSM...
It is proposed that the NDVI time series derived from MODIS multitemporal remote sensing data can be modelled as a triply (mean, phase and amplitude) modulated cosine function. A ...
Waldo Kleynhans, J. Corne Olivier, Brian P. Salmon...
In the last three decades, significant advances have been made in mapping and monitoring environmental changes from Earth Observation satellites across a range of spatial and temp...
In this paper, a comparison is made through evaluating the withinand between-class species variability for the original, the first derivative and second derivative spectra. For ea...