
135views more  IJBIS 2010»
14 years 12 days ago
The next generation Grid: an infrastructure for global business systems
This paper traces the evolution of the Grid and discusses the potential of the Grid as a future infrastructure adapted to the dynamics of global business systems
Soha Maad, Brian A. Coghlan
123views more  IJBIS 2010»
14 years 12 days ago
Designing information systems requirements in context: insights from the theory of deferred action
This paper considers conceptual and contextual issues relating to the problem of developing systems models capable of representing knowable and unknowable information requirements...
Nandish V. Patel, Ray Hackney
145views more  IJBIS 2010»
14 years 12 days ago
A multi-attribute group decision support system for information technology project selection
: The increasing intensity of global competition and the rapid advances in information technology (IT) have led organisations to search for more efficient and effective ways to man...
Faramak Zandi, Madjid Tavana
94views more  IJBIS 2010»
14 years 12 days ago
A framework towards a multi-modal fingerprinting scheme for multimedia assets
Fingerprinting is a well known approach for identifying multimedia data without having the original data present but what amounts to its essence or "DNA". Current approa...
Atta Badii, Daniel Thiemert
82views more  IJBIS 2010»
14 years 12 days ago
Simulation discounted cash flow valuation for internet companies
Discounted cash flow (DCF) is the most accepted approach for company valuation. It is well grounded in theory and practice. However, the DCF approach, which is commonly used for t...
Maged Ali, Ramzi El-Haddadeh, Tillal Eldabi, Ebrah...