
14 years 2 months ago
Domain Filtering can Degrade Intelligent Backtracking Search
This paper presents an improved backjumping algonthm for the constraint satisfaction problem, namely conflictdirected backjumping (CBJ). CBJ is then modified such that it can dete...
Patrick Prosser
14 years 2 months ago
Genetic State-Space Search for Constrained Optimization Problems
This paper introduces GSSS (Genetic State-Space Search). The integration of two general search paradigms — genetic search and state-space-search provides a general framework whi...
Jan Paredis
14 years 2 months ago
A Scheme for Agent Collaboration in Open Multiagent Environments
In multiagent planning, an agent sometimes needs to collaborate with others to construct complex plans, or to accomplish large organizational tasks which it cannot do alone. Since...
Eiichi Osawa
14 years 2 months ago
A New Algorithm for Incremental Prime Implicate Generation
Traditional algorithms for prime implicate generation [Quine, 1952; McCluskey, 1956; Tison, 1967; Kean and Tsiknis, 1990; de Kleer, 1992] require the input formulas to be first tr...
Teow-Hin Ngair
14 years 2 months ago
An Analytic Learning System for Specializing Heuristics
This paper describes how meta-level theories are used for analytic learning in M U L T I - T A C . M U L T I - T A C operationalizes generic heuristics for constraint-satisfaction...
Steven Minton
14 years 2 months ago
Using Classification as a Programming Language
Our experience in the IDAS natural language generation project has shown us that IDAS'S KLONE-like classifier, originally built solely to hold a domain knowledge base, could ...
Chris Mellish, Ehud Reiter
14 years 2 months ago
Notes on Formalizing Context
These notes discuss formalizing contexts as first class objects. The basic relation is ist(c, p). It asserts that the proposition p is true in the context c. The most important f...
John McCarthy
14 years 2 months ago
A Collaboration Mechanism on Positive Interactions in Multi-agent Environments
In multi-agent environments where agents independently generate and execute plans to satisfy their goals, the resulting plans may sometimes overlap. In this paper, we propose a co...
Kei Matsubayashi, Mario Tokoro