The Hausdorff distance between two sets of curves is a measure for the similarity of these objects and therefore an interesting feature in shape recognition. If the curves are alg...
Given a set P of points (clients) in the plane, a Euclidean 2-centre of P is a set of two points (facilities) in the plane such that the maximum distance from any client to its ne...
Published as Technical Report LU-CS-TR:2005-238 on February 13, 2006, ISSN 1650-1276 Report 158, Lund University, Sweden 2006 We discuss and compare four fixed parameter algorithm...
Magdalene G. Borgelt, Christian Borgelt, Christos ...
Given a set S of n point sites in the plane, the City Voronoi diagram partitions the plane into the Voronoi regions of the sites, with respect to the City metric. This metric is i...