A product unit is a formal neuron that multiplies its input values instead of summingthem. Furthermore, it has weights acting as exponents instead of being factors. We investigate...
The features of neural networks using for increasing of an accuracy of physical quantity measurement are considered by prediction of sensor drift. The technique of data volume incr...
Cq-profiles are 12-dimensional vectors, each component referring to a pitch class. They can be employed to represent keys. Cq-profiles are calculated with the constant Q filter...
Hendrik Purwins, Benjamin Blankertz, Klaus Obermay...
In this paper neuro-fuzzy synergism is applied to implement content sequencing in adaptive hypermedia systems. The level of understanding of the learner is used to construct lesson...
Kyparisia A. Papanikolaou, George D. Magoulas, Mar...
Linear Relational Embedding (LRE) was introduced (Paccanaro and Hinton, 1999) as a means of extracting a distributed representation of concepts from relational data. The original ...
Sensitivity analysis is a method for extracting the cause and effect relationship between the inputs and outputs of the network. After training a neural network, one may want to k...
Fuzzy c-varieties (FCV) is one of the clustering algorithms in which the prototypes are multi-dimensional linear varieties. The linear varieties are represented by some local prin...
This paper proposes a method to solve problem that comes with imbalanced training sets which is often seen in the practical applications. We modied Self Growing Neural Network Co...
In Jutten’s blind separation algorithm, symmetrical distribution and statistical independence of the signal sources are assumed. When they are not satisfied, the learning proce...