
116views more  IJDE 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Forensics and SIM Cards: An Overview
Nowadays there are many tools for the extraction of data objects [SWGDE] from SIM cards; unfortunately, most of them are proprietary, or their use is restricted to law enforcement...
Fabio Casadei, Antonio Savoldi, Paolo Gubian
101views more  IJDE 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Google Desktop as a Source of Digital Evidence
This paper discusses the emerging trend of Personal Desktop Searching utilities on desktop computers, and how the information cached and stored with these systems can be retrieved...
Benjamin Turnbull, Barry Blundell, Jill Slay
95views more  IJDE 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Exploiting the Rootkit Paradox with Windows Memory Analysis
Rootkits are malicious programs that silently subvert an operating system to hide an intruder's activities. Although there are a number of tools designed to detect rootkits, ...
Jesse D. Kornblum
77views more  IJDE 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Hidden Disk Areas: HPA and DCO
This paper focuses on certain manufacturer hidden areas of a hard disk, specifically Host Protected Areas (HPA) and Device Configuration Overlays (DCO). These areas can be problem...
Mayank R. Gupta, Michael D. Hoeschele, Marcus K. R...