We investigate deterministically simulating (i.e., solving the membership problem for) nondeterministic finite automata (NFA), relying solely on the NFA’s resources (states and...
We characterize the computational power of several restricted variants of communicating P systems. We show that 2-deterministic communicating P systems with 2 membranes, working in...
In this technical report, we present a process algebra aimed at modelling PKI-based systems. The new language, SPIKY, extends the spi-calculus by adding primitives for the retriev...
The longest path problem is to find a longest path in a given graph. While the graph classes in which the Hamiltonian path problem can be solved efficiently are widely investigat...
We extend an algorithm by Paige and Tarjan that solves the coarsest stable refinement problem to the domain of trees. The algorithm is used to minimize non-deterministic tree auto...