
58views more  IJHCI 2008»
14 years 19 days ago
Social TV: Designing for Distributed, Sociable Television Viewing
Media research has shown that people enjoy watching television as a part of socializing in groups. However, many constraints in daily life limit the opportunities for doing so. Th...
Nicolas Ducheneaut, Robert J. Moore, Lora Oehlberg...
83views more  IJHCI 2008»
14 years 19 days ago
A Framework and an Environment for Collaborative Analysis of User Experience
senting them at different levels of abstraction. This can make the analysis complex and unwieldy, requiring teams of analysts to manage it. A new approach to managing the complexit...
Youn-Kyung Lim, Yvonne Rogers
92views more  IJHCI 2008»
14 years 19 days ago
Coupling the Users: The Benefits of Paired User Testing for iDTV
Interactive digital television (iDTV) is a social medium and must therefore be tested in a context as close to real life as possible. This explains why we saw the potential and im...
Tara Shrimpton-Smith, Bieke Zaman, David Geerts
82views more  IJHCI 2008»
14 years 19 days ago
Investigation of the Use of Navigation Tools in Web-Based Learning: A Data Mining Approach
Christine G. Minetou, Sherry Y. Chen, Xiaohui Liu