
130views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 4 months ago
LQG-MP: Optimized path planning for robots with motion uncertainty and imperfect state information
— This paper presents LQG-MP (linear-quadratic Gaussian motion planning), a new approach to robot motion planning that takes into account the sensors and the controller that will...
Jur van den Berg, Pieter Abbeel, Ken Goldberg
226views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Place-dependent people tracking
Abstract People typically move and act under the constraints of an environment, making human behavior strongly place-dependent. Motion patterns, the places and the rates at which p...
Matthias Luber, Gian Diego Tipaldi, Kai Oliver Arr...
159views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Visual-inertial navigation, mapping and localization: A scalable real-time causal approach
We present a model to estimate motion from monocular visual and inertial measurements. We analyze the model and characterize the conditions under which its state is observable, an...
Eagle Jones, Stefano Soatto
77views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Generalizing foraging theory for analysis and design
Theodore P. Pavlic, Kevin M. Passino
98views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Real-time photorealistic virtualized reality interface for remote mobile robot control
The task of teleoperating a robot over a wireless video link is known to be very difficult. Teleoperation becomes even more difficult when the robot is surrounded by dense obstac...
Alonzo Kelly, Nicholas Chan, Herman Herman, Daniel...
123views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Stable dynamic walking over uneven terrain
We propose a constructive control design for stabilization of non-periodic trajectories of underactuated robots. An important example of such a system is an underactuated “dynam...
Ian R. Manchester, Uwe Mettin, Fumiya Iida, Russ T...
109views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Planning and control for cooperative manipulation and transportation with aerial robots
We consider the problem of controlling multiple robots manipulating and transporting a payload in three dimensions via cables. Individual robot control laws and motion plans enable...
Jonathan Fink, Nathan Michael, Soonkyum Kim, Vijay...
159views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Learning visual representations for perception-action systems
We discuss vision as a sensory modality for systems that effect actions in response to perceptions. While the internal representations informed by vision may be arbitrarily compl...
Justus H. Piater, Sébastien Jodogne, Renaud...
99views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Unifying geometric, probabilistic, and potential field approaches to multi-robot deployment
This paper unifies and extends several different existing strategies for deploying groups of robots in an environment. A cost function is proposed that can be specialized to rep...
Mac Schwager, Daniela Rus, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine
218views more  IJRR 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Motion planning under uncertainty for robotic tasks with long time horizons
Abstract Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) are a principled mathematical framework for planning under uncertainty, a crucial capability for reliable operation...
Hanna Kurniawati, Yanzhu Du, David Hsu, Wee Sun Le...