In Proc. of IEEE Conf. on CVPR'2000, Vol.I, pp.222-227, Hilton Head Island, SC, 2000 In many vision applications, the practice of supervised learning faces several difficulti...
During this talk, I will introduce a novel family of contextual measures of similarity between distributions: the similarity between two distributions q and p is measured in the co...
Florent Perronnin (Xerox Research Centre Europe), ...
Over the past decade, multiple-instance learning (MIL)
has been successfully utilized to model the localized
content-based image retrieval (CBIR) problem, in which a
bag corresp...
Wu-Jun Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Tec...
In state-of-the-art image retrieval systems, an image is
represented by a bag of visual words obtained by quantizing
high-dimensional local image descriptors, and scalable
Zhong Wu (Tsinghua University), Qifa Ke (Microsoft...
We propose a novel hashing scheme for image retrieval,
clustering and automatic object discovery. Unlike commonly
used bag-of-words approaches, the spatial extent of
image featu...
Ondrej Chum (Czech Technical University), Michal P...