The object boundary of an image plays an important role for image analysis and interpretation. The watershed algorithm and the region growing algorithm are popularly employed for i...
Abstract. A novel method is proposed for performing multi-label, semi-automated image segmentation. Given a small number of pixels with user-defined labels, one can analytically (...
Deformable contours are now widely used in image segmentation, using different models, criteria and numeric schemes. Some theoretical comparisons between few deformable model met...
Abstract. Image segmentation algorithms derived from spectral clustering analysis rely on the eigenvectors of the Laplacian of a weighted graph obtained from the image. The NCut cr...
Neculai Archip, Robert Rohling, Peter Cooperberg, ...
In this paper we present a new framework for image segmentation using probabilistic multinets. We apply this framework to integration of regionbased and contour-based segmentation ...
In radiation treatment (RT) planning, clinicians must trace the outline of a few critical structures on a large number of images. Using automated image segmentation could save trem...
Image segmentation is discussed for years in numerous papers, but assessing its quality is mainly dealt with in recent works. Quality assessment is a primary concern for anyone wor...
Quantitative evaluation and comparison of image segmentation algorithms is now feasible owing to the recent availability of collections of hand-labeled images. However, little att...
This paper presents an efficient algorithm for image segmentation and a framework for perceptual grouping. It makes an attempt to provide one way of combining bottomup and top-do...
We develop a biologically motivated oscillatory network model and related dynamical synchronizationbased method of image segmentation. The first version of successive segmentation...