
13 years 7 months ago
German subordinate clause word order in dialogue-based CALL.
We present a dialogue system for exercising the German subordinate clause word order. The pedagogical methodology we adopt is based on focused tasks: the targeted linguistic struct...
Magdalena Wolska, Sabrina Wilske
13 years 7 months ago
Undetectable Spread-time Stegosystem Based on Noisy Channels
We consider a scenario where an attacker is able to receive a stegosignal only over a Gaussian channel. But in order to provide security of this channel noise
Valery I. Korzhik, Guillermo Morales-Luna, Ksenia ...
13 years 7 months ago
BeesyBees - Efficient and Reliable Execution of Service-based Workflow Applications for BeesyCluster using Distributed Agents
Abstract--The paper presents an architecture and implementation that allows distributed execution of workflow applications in BeesyCluster using agents. BeesyCluster is a middlewar...
Pawel Czarnul, Mariusz R. Matuszek, Michal W&oacut...
13 years 7 months ago
Building and Using Existing Hunspell Dictionaries and TeX Hyphenators as Finite-State Automata
Abstract--There are numerous formats for writing spellcheckers for open-source systems and there are many descriptions for languages written in these formats. Similarly, for word h...
Tommi Pirinen, Krister Lindén
13 years 7 months ago
A web-based translation service at the UOC based on Apertium
In this paper, we describe the adaptation process of Apertium, a free/open-source rule-based machine translation platform which is operating in a number of different real-life cont...
Luis Villarejo, Mireia Farrus, Gema Ramírez...
13 years 7 months ago
Emotion-based Image Retrieval - an Artificial Neural Network Approach
Human emotions can provide an essential clue in searching images in an image database. The paper presents our approach to content based image retrieval systems which takes into acc...
Katarzyna Agnieszka Olkiewicz, Urszula Markowska-K...
13 years 7 months ago
On the implementation of public keys algorithms based on algebraic graphs over finite commutative rings
We will consider balanced directed graphs, i.e., graphs of binary relations, for which the number of inputs and number of outputs are the same for each vertex. The commutative diag...
Michal Klisowski, Vasyl Ustimenko
13 years 7 months ago
Fast Construction of Broadcast Scheduling and Gossiping in Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks
This paper studies the minimum latency broadcast schedule (MLBS) problem in ad hoc networks represented by unit disk graphs. In our approach we use an algorithm, which does not nee...
Krzysztof Krzywdzinski