Abstract—This paper describes and evaluates a biologically-inspired network architecture that allows grid services to autonomously adapt to dynamic environment changes in the net...
This paper presents a novel immune inspired algorithm, named DERA (Dynamic Effector Regulatory Algorithm), aimed at fault detection and other anomaly detection problems. It integr...
Thiago S. Guzella, Tomaz A. Mota-Santos, Walmir M....
Artificial immune systems have previously been applied to the problem of intrusion detection. The aim of this research is to develop an intrusion detection system based on the fu...
In this study, we investigate the task scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing environments and propose a novel scheduling algorithm, called the Artificial Immune System wit...
Abstract— We present a cooperative intrusion detection approach inspired by biological immune system principles and P2P communication techniques to develop a distributed anomaly ...
—Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) widely occur in artificial intelligence. In the last twenty years, many algorithms and heuristics were developed to solve CSP. Recently,...
Abstract. We were inspired by the role of co-stimulation in the Biological immune system (BIS). We propose and evaluate an algorithm for energy efficient misbehavior detection in a...
Martin Drozda, Sven Schaust, Sebastian Schildt, He...