This article presents a general algorithm for transforming sequential imperative programs into parallel data-flow programs. Our algorithm operates on a program dependence graph i...
We consider software verification of imperative programs by theorem proving in higher-order separation logic. Of particular interest are the difficulties of encoding and reasoning ...
Several induction theorem provers were developed to verify functional programs mechanically. Unfortunately, automatic verification often fails for functions with accumulating arg...
We show how properties of an interesting class of imperative programs can be calculated by means of relational modeling and symbolic computation. The ideas of [5, 26] are implement...
Reasoning about imperative programs requires the ability to track aliasing and ownership properties. We present a type system that provides this ability, by using regions, capabil...
Abstract. In this paper we present InvGen, an automatic linear arithmetic invariant generator for imperative programs. InvGen's unique feature is in its use of dynamic analysi...
Abstract. An approach based on term rewriting techniques for the automated termination analysis of imperative programs operating on integers is presented. An imperative program is ...