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We present an algorithm for computing a robust adaptive polygonal approximation of an implicit curve in the plane. The approximation is adapted to the geometry of the curve because...
This paper outlines a geometric parameterization of 2D curves where the parameterization is in terms of geometric invariants and terms that determine an intrinsic coordinate system...
Jean-Philippe Tarel, William Wolovich and David B...
An algebraic curve is defined as the zero set of a polynomial in two variables. Algebraic curves are practical for modeling shapes much more complicated than conics or su...
David B. Cooper, Jean-Philippe Tarel, Tolga Tasdiz...
New representations are developed for 2D IP (implicit polynomial) curves ofarbitrary degree. These representations permit shape recognition and pose estimation with essentially sin...
Geometric active contours are formulated in a manner which is parametrization independent. As such, they are amenable to representation as the zero level set of the graph of a hig...
Yogesh Rathi, Namrata Vaswani, Allen Tannenbaum, A...